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Date and Time
This session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th, starting at 2:30 PM till 5:00 PM.
The knowledge session will take place in the Aurora at the main building VU-campus, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam.
This knowledge session is organised topics surrounding diverse aspect of the human cognition, observation, perception and behavior of the human mind and body within sport related environments. Various speaker are invited to present their field regarding these topics.
Rouwen Cañal-Bruland: decision-making during walking.
Rouwen discusses the human motor control decision making proces and the environmental interactions during walking. Motor control is the regulation of movements in humans that are conscious voluntary movements, subconscious muscle memory and involuntary reflexes as well as instinctual behaviour.
Ludovic Seifert: Specific and general transfer: from training context to natural context of performance.
Ludovic explores how certain human kills acquired through specific training contexts inside sports environment can be applied in real-world situations.
Matt Miller-Dicks: Considerations for a holistic representative design: Bartlett meets Brunswik.
Matt compares the insight in cognitive psychology (Bartlett) and ecological psychology (Brunswik). Bartlett’s research had a significant impact on the understanding of human memory and cognition. Brunswik focused on understanding how humans perceive and interact with their environment.
David Mann: changing pupils to measure the ability to anticipate.
At last, Davids topic focuses on using changes in pupil size or behavior as an indirect measure of an individual’s ability to anticipate future events or actions, suggesting a link between cognitive processes and physiological responses.