SportUp Boost Closure Event

SportUp Boost Closure Event

SportUp Boost Amsterdam is an national initiative located in Amsterdam to bring startups in the realm of sports or health to life. It consists of a three-month program that offers vital guidance and promotes networking opportunities to help entrepreneurs kick-start...
Leefstijlinterventies in de zorg

Leefstijlinterventies in de zorg

Graag nodigen wij jullie vanuit de programmalijn Vitaal Bewegen uit om op vrijdag 23 juni 2023 deel te nemen aan deze kennisbijeenkomst over leefstijlinterventies in de zorg. Online deelnemen kan vanaf 10 uur via deze link. Om 10:10 zullen Jasmijn Holla en Bart Visser...
The Female Athlete

The Female Athlete

On Wednesday the 3rd of May we hosted the second edition of our AISS Knowledge Session. Did you miss the event? All the keynote sessions were recorded and will soon be available online to watch. Subscribe to our newsletter or social media channels to get updates about...
Extending Physical Limits

Extending Physical Limits

EXTENDING PHYSICAL LIMITS The first edition of our AISS Knowledge Session “Extending Physical Limits” on Friday the 24th of March was a succes! It was all about extending physical limits in health and disease. We had an interesting program with researchers that...